Workshops & Consulting Services

Unlock Unprecedented Success

Empower your organization with the tools to reach new heights and revenue. Dr. Bernie Mullin offers consulting programs for companies of all sizes, including training and tailored workshops.


Gain expertise into the most current and in-demand topics for organizational, team and individual development.

Building Winning Organizations and Brands

Research has shown that the same ingredients are evident in every perennially successful individual and company. Uncover these elements and learn the process of getting your organization to work seamlessly to execute at the highest level.

Creating an Authentic Culture

People today want to work for a company that exemplifies authenticity, transparency and a clear purpose. Learn how leaders and companies can build a sustainable organization with high-integrity processes.

What an MBA Doesn’t Teach You

Having taught in a top-level business school for over a decade, Dr. Bernie Mullin offers a unique perspective on what he has learned outside the classroom as a C-Suite executive in the highly competitive sports and entertainment businesses. Learn the key to producing overall managerial success and developing top-class executive talent.

Thriving on Innovation & Disruption in a World of AI

One of the bigger challenges most organizations face today is to effectively operate their business while managing innovation and balancing disruptive products and services. Learn how to harness innovation and make it work for your business going forward.

The Enemy of Excellence is Good

The old adage, “the enemy of excellence is good,” probably has never been truer than it is today in U.S. business. Learn what it takes to build an organization that, despite past success, continually strives for performance at the highest level possible in the industry.

How to Hire Whoppers

WHOPPP stands for Work Ethic, Honesty & Integrity, Openness to Learning, Passion, Productivity & Potential for Leadership. Learn how to recruit, onboard, develop and nurture the best staff in your industry.

RAD: Reimagining America’s Dream

This session is based on the core belief that most of our current social problems stem from a central problem of EPH: Poor Educational experience leads to many of our citizens existing within the repeated cycle of Poverty, which in turn leads to a lack of Hope. Learn how to restore hope for citizens and the opportunity to achieve The American Dream by investing in the education of our youth.

Managing the Me-Verses

Learn what it takes to ensure strong collaboration and high productivity across the organization, particularly with today’s increasingly me-centered employees. When you can authentically accept everyone in today’s workforce as having value and bringing a unique perspective, the entire organization benefits.

Don’t Let the Old Voice into Your Head

From his own personal experience of ill-health driving “stinking thinking,” Dr. Bernie Mullin outlines the necessary steps to prevent such dysfunctionality from creeping in and how to thrive like fine wine that only gets better with age.

The Secret to Life-Work Balance

Recognizing that, for many in today’s workforce, life now comes first ahead of work. This program outlines how to run remote teams, entice people back to the office, and help staff navigate their own health and wellness in a post-Covid world. Executives can learn how to lead their unit or team more effectively and counter disengagement and “quiet quitting” in workplace cultures.

Tailored Consulting Services

Dr. Bernie Mullin has built a dedicated career in the highly competitive sports and entertainment business, working with top global brands. Today, he uses his business and C-suite expertise to create tailored consulting solutions for businesses that want more – more revenue, more market share and a more engaged workforce.
  • Challenge Identification: Dr. Mullin will work with you to identify the core issue(s) facing your organization.
  • Needs Assessment: This includes a deep dive to uncover what you want and really need for your business to solve the key challenges.
  • Plan & Solution Development: Dr. Mullin will help set a clear path forward and how you’ll work together to solve the key issues.
  • Implementation & Execution: Assess how to get everyone in the organization on board to implement the needed change effectively and seamlessly.
  • Performance Analytics: Evaluating the program to determine the ROO (return on objectives) and ROI (return on investment).

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